Best RTOS for
Embedded Developers


Discover PX5 RTOS
Enhance Simplify Unite


Discover one of the smallest, fastest, certified safe, and secure real-time operating systems.

Supports a broad range of microprocessors and tools.

Share applications across-platforms and protect your investment.


Install in three easy steps—in minutes!

Designed for simplicity.

Native implementation of the industry-standard POSIX pthreads API.

Start building your embedded application quickly.


Embedded Linux is too memory and processing-intensive for resource-constrained devices.

PX5 RTOS is the best POSIX pthreads RTOS for hard real-time embedded applications.

pthreads United

Linux &
Embedded Linux

Industrial Grade RTOS

Advanced, fifth-generation real-time operating system and the best RTOS for the most demanding embedded applications.

Ultrahigh Performance

The PX5 RTOS is the fastest in the 2024 RTOS Performance Report

Sub-microsecond context switching and API calls on most microprocessors and rich determinism.

Ultrasmall Size

Less than 1KB for minimal use for use in the most memory-constrained devices.

Safe and Secure

A certified-safe and secure RTOS with patent-pending pointer/data verification (PDV) technology. Extensive testing (100% statement and branch decision coverage).

Certified to the highest levels of the IEC 61508 functional safety standard: IEC 61508 SIL 4, IEC 62304 Class C, ISO 26262 ASIL D, and EN 50128 SW-SIL 4.

Simple To Use

Install and use in minutes. With a native implementation of the POSIX pthreads standard, your team can focus on developing your application.

Best RTOS for developers

Built for simplicity with just two source files: px5.c and px5_binding.s. Installing and using the best RTOS takes only three quick steps!


Place the PX5 RTOS distribution (px5.c, px5_binding.s and header files) into your C main project source directory.


Add px5.c and px5_binding.s to your project (IDE or makefile)—no complicated project or linker control file changes.


Modify your C main program to include pthread.h and call px5_pthread_start in your main program. PX5 RTOS upconverts your main program to your first thread. You are ready to go.


Fastest RTOS

Fastest in 2024 RTOS Performance Report

On typical 32-bit microcontrollers running at 80MHz, most API calls and context switches complete in less than one microsecond. Learn about the fastest RTOS.

Deterministic RTOS

The processing for each API and context switch is completely predictable and unaffected by the number of active threads.


SGS-TUV Saar pre-certifies that PX5 RTOS complies with IEC-61508 SIL 4 (electronic), IEC 62304 Class C (medical), ISO 26262 ASIL D (automotive), and EN 50128 (rail) functional safety standards. PX5 RTOS is suitable for developing safety-critical software to the highest integrity levels (SIL 4).

Get Safety-Certified RTOS
Certified Safest PX5 RTOS

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Not Alone!

We deliver professional, fully ticketed and tracked support to you.

PX5 enhances, simplifies, and unites embedded development. Our professional support helps us deliver on this promise!

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You Benefit

Using the best RTOS Using the best RTOS creates business advantages for you:

  • Faster time-to-market
  • Enhanced product quality
  • Safer and more secure products
  • Easier functional safety certification
  • Cross-platform application support
  • Reduced engineering training via pthreads API
  • Professional support
PX5 RTOS Benefits


Develop better quality IoT devices faster—even for the most demanding applications:

  • Vendor-agnostic system-on-chip (SoC) RTOS
  • Industrial automation RTOS
  • Medical devices RTOS
  • Consumer electronics RTOS
  • Automotive RTOS
  • Office automation RTOS
  • Networking and communication stacks
  • Military and aerospace RTOS

Press Release
May 21, 2024

PX5 Brings Advanced Storage Solutions to Embedded Systems

PX5 FILE couples the unparalleled interoperability of the FAT file format and Linux file system API to address storage needs of resource-constrained, real-time embedded systems

Trusted & Proven

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